Escape the Pitfalls of Product Creation and Design Digital Products That SELL So That You Turn Your Ideas into Income Everyday

Escape the Pitfalls of Product Creation and Design Digital Products That SELL So That You Turn Your Ideas into Income Everyday

Ready To Get Your Slice of the BOOMING Multi-Billion Dollar E-Learning Market?

If you’ve been wanting to build an online business for longer than 5 minutes you’ve probably heard that you need to “build a list”.

And you do!

But what those list-building course creators are not telling you is the dark dirty secrets of building your list with "Freebies".

Here’s some numbers….

100 people sign up for your free lead magnet.

Only 30 will open your email and only half of them access the Lead Magnet you worked so hard to create.

1% of these 30 (if you’re lucky) will click a link in your email to learn more about your offers.

So for 100 people that are on your list, 30 are engaged and mayyyyybe 1 clicks to learn more about your offer.

You’ve built a list alright…

of tyre kickers.

Here's the truth...

You don’t just want to build a list…

You want to build a list of BUYERS

You may have heard that all you need to make an extra $5,000 a month is Chat GPT and Canva to create a digital product in a day and then sell it for $47 three times a day.

If only it were that easy...

Sound familiar...?

You’ve heard of others cashing in on selling digital courses, but you’re feeling like a deer in headlights wondering where to begin. Your emotions are a mix of overwhelm thanks to the vast (and often conflicting) amount of information available, coupled with excitement about the possibilities. So you keep scrolling on social media looking at more posts about how ‘easy’ it is and before you know it, you’re in Procrastination City on the corner of Analysis and Paralysis Avenue.

You've spent weeks, maybe months, pouring every ounce of your expertise and passion into creating a digital course. It's more than just a product; it's your life's work, designed to transform lives. Yet, you find yourself hitting a wall when it comes to selling it. You've tried everything —fine-tuning the course, adjusting the price, even overhauling your sales page—but it’s just sitting there gathering digital dust. 

You've taken the advice of online marketers to ‘build a list’ so you’ve created a Lead Magnet that's not just good, but great. It's been your labor of love, meticulously designed to grow your list and it worked. But now,  the real challenge emerges: how and what to sell to this list that hasn’t even bothered to open your emails.  The triumph of list-building now feels hollow as you grapple with the stark realization that a list, no matter its size, doesn't guarantee sales.

Imagine confidently creating your digital product, knowing exactly what will resonate with your audience and sell

And wouldn't it be great to do it...

  • without the overwhelm of information overload

  • without the guesswork in crafting your offer

  • without the uncertainty of whether your list will actually buy.

Hi I'm.....Crystal Cherry

I love working with purpose driven entrepreneurs who have a program, product or service that leaves a legacy.

I especially love partnering with them to create a bigger impact by helping them scale their business and serve more clients or customers with strategic, results driven Facebook Ads.

One of the things I love about managing Ads for clients is being part of something that can transform the lives of my clients by increasing their revenue and also the ripple effect that their offer has in the lives of their clients and potentially generations to come.

The challenge I face is that I can only personally help a very limited number of clients with my done-for-you Ad Management Services.

And I'm tired of hearing stories of people not unlike you, who have been left to try and figure out the complex and everchanging world of Facebook Ads on their own.

Or worse yet, they end up in the hands of an unethical "Ad Manager" or "Business Coach" and end up slowly watching their dreams die.

I don't want that to happen to you.

Which is why I have partnered with Social Charlie to bring you the


Ad Training program specifically designed for Coaches, Consultants, Service Providers and Digital Course Creators.

You see, there’s 3 certainties in life… Death, taxes and Facebook Algorithm Changes.

And when Campaigns start to tank Ad Managers feel like they have to become a Private Investigator and find the clues to

discover the mystery of the missing leads


Want the good news...

Jody Milward, the Founder of Social Charlie, was a Private Investigator


She is the one Ad Managers turn to when they need help with client Campaigns

After turning over $4m+ in revenue from her Private Investigator business, Jody stumbled into the world of Facebook Advertising in 2014. Within 2 years she helped a client to generate $1m in their first 9 months

of selling an online program.

Jody's worked as a Facebook Ad Freelancer, an In House Ad Strategist Agency Owner, Ad Manager, Ad Recruiter and Consultant. She's worked with National Restaurant chains and Forbes Top 20 Social Media Influencers and has profitably managed multiple 7 figures in Ad spend.

Jody has been training and mentoring Facebook Ad Managers for a number of years and most recently with her Elite Ad Manager Certification to provide this niche with skilled and ethical Ad Managers.

When the opportunity came up to partner with Jody and the Team at Social Charlie to bring to you the most comprehensive and up-to-date Ad Training program specifically designed for the Coaching, Consulting and Digital Course niche, I jumped at the chance.

I know that the training in ADvisory is exactly what you need to help you take control of your Advertising with proven strategies and step by step frameworks.

Ready to transform your digital dreams into a profitable reality by designing a digital offer that sells?


Build a List of Buyers is your golden ticket to not just creating a digital product (anyone can do that) but designing a digital offer that sells.

What's Waiting For You Inside Build a List of Buyers

  • 5 "No Fluff" Modules: to help you identify your best selling offer, create a quality digital product and start making sales.

  • Chat GPT Prompts: harness the power of AI to create your digital product with proven prompts to help you identify your avatar, outline your course content, create a high converting sales page and write your promotional assets.

  • Program Checklist: to guide you step by step through the program, keep you on track so you get your offer done!

  • Avatar Profiler: know exactly who you are creating your offer for so that it is designed for sales

  • Avatar Interview Questions: so that you know exactly what your your ideal client wants

  • Digital Product Planner: now that you know who you're creating your digital product for, you can create the perfect product.

  • Customer Onboarding emails: let your new customers know they are in the right place with the perfect onboarding sequence

  • Course Creation Spreadsheet: keep your course content in order for clear content creation. 

  • Conversion Calculator: one of the quickest ways to increase sales is to know if your sales page is letting you down. This conversion calculator with help you instantly see if your sales page needs some TLC.

    Bullet list

That's a total value of $683

You can get Build a List of Buyers today for just:


And the Best Part:

We’ve talked about what you get with the program, but let’s look at the really exciting part: the benefits that directly impact your success:


Launch With Confidence:

Say goodbye to guesswork. With our step-by-step guidance, launch your product knowing you're on the right path to success.


Maximize Your Reach

Learn how to captivate your audience, whether through engaging copy or strategic partnerships, expanding your product's reach further than ever before.


Boost Your Sales

Not just launch but maintain momentum with proven sales strategies that keep your product in high demand.


Build Your Buyers List

Cultivate a list of not just any customers, but loyal buyers who are eager for what you offer.

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or stepping into the digital realm for the first time, Build a List of Buyers is crafted to equip you with everything you need to not just navigate the digital market but to conquer it.

Here's What You'll Learn

Inside Build a List of Buyers

Module 1

Designing The Perfect Digital Product

Dive into the heart of your business with Module 1 of Build a List of Buyers. This isn't just about creating a product; it's about discovering the intersection where your passion, expertise, and the market's needs meet. This module guides you through identifying your unique "sweet spot" that sets the foundation for crafting the perfect digital offer.

Module 2

The Foundations of an Offer That Sells

You're going to learn how to make your digital product irresistible. This is where you transform a good idea into a must-have offer. We're not just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks; we're laying down the essential elements that compel people to buy.

Module 3

Creating Copy That Converts

You're about to unlock the power of words to sell. Good news: you don't have to be a professional copywriter to create compelling copy. Thanks to the AI resources included in this module, you'll learn how to write like a pro without the years of practice.

Module 4

Creating Your Digital Product

We are now ready to turn digital product concept into real, ready-to-sell digital products. By the time you finish this module, you'll know exactly how to develop, design, and complete your digital product.

Module 5

Strategies to Sell Your Offer

This module isn't just about getting your product out there; it's a comprehensive guide to amplifying your reach and maximizing your sales. Here, you'll learn how to create a buzz, optimize your sales funnel, and leverage both organic and paid channels to sustain and grow your business.

Even at $683 Build a List of Buyers is the best investment you could make into creating your digital product.

But today, you can get lifetime access to Build a List of Buyers for only $197

Are you ready to turn your expertise into profit? Don’t let another day pass without taking the step towards freedom and impact. Click below to start transforming your ideas into passive income now!

Get Build a List of buyers today


Build a List of Buyers is 100% Risk-Free!

If you feel like you don’t get value from the training, you can email anytime within 14 days and I will happily give you a full refund.

Have questions? I have answers...

Who is this program designed for?

This program is tailor-made for entrepreneurs, creators, and small business owners who want to create profitable digital information products. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your existing digital product business, this program will guide you through the process of creating, marketing, and selling your digital products effectively.

I've already created a digital product but struggle with sales. How will this help me?

Our program goes beyond just creating digital products; it dives into creating an offer that your market wants as well as the strategies that sell. From crafting compelling offers and writing high-converting sales copy to effectively marketing your product online, we cover everything you need to build a list of buyers.

What if I'm starting from scratch with no product idea?

 Perfect! Our program starts at the very beginning, helping you identify profitable niches and validate your digital product ideas. We guide you through the process of designing and creating a digital product that not only sells but also resonates with your target audience.

Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied with the program?

Yes, absolutely. We stand behind the value of our program with a no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee. If for any reason you're not satisfied within the first 14 days, we'll provide a full refund.

How much time will I need to dedicate to this program?

While the program is designed to fast-track your success, the amount of time you'll need to dedicate will vary based on your individual pace and existing commitments. We recommend setting aside a few hours each week to go through the content and apply what you learn.

Do I need any special software or tools to implement what I learn?

You don't need any special software to start. But to have a system that can bring you sales 24/7 you will need software to do this for you. We'll introduce you to a variety of tools that can help streamline your process.

How long do I have access to the program?

Once you enrol, you'll have lifetime access to the program materials, including all future updates. This way, you can learn at your own pace and come back to the material whenever you need a refresher.

What happens after 12 months? Do I need to buy ADvisory again?

When you purchase ADvisory you will be agreeing to purchase a 12 month subscription to access the program. In 12 months time you will automatically be rebilled $297 for another 12 months access to the program. You will continue on this subscription until you request to cancel which you can easily do by emailing us at (INSERT YOUR EMAIL HERE)

Stop wondering "what if?..."

Start making your digital product success story. Your journey to building a list of eager buyers begins with just one click.

Are you in?

Get build a list of buyers today


Disclaimer: This site and Build a List of Buyers is in no way endorsed or affiliated with Meta/Facebook or any of its entities.

There are no guarantees that you will earn money from the training in this program, generate leads or make sales. Your results will vary due to a number of factors including but not limited to your experience, skills, financial circumstances, education, commitment, changing technologies and your market. Results and testimonials are not average results - and who wants to be average anyway. By purchasing Build a List of Buyers you agree that we and the creators of Build a List of Buyers are not responsible for your results or the decisions you make from the information provided in the training or on this website. You acknowledge that you are 100% responsible for your results and decisions. For more information refer to our Earnings Disclaimer.